

发布日期:2024-06-13 05:36    点击次数:78


专题:好意思联储防守基准利率不变 将从6月开动放缓缩表按次半岛彩票






通胀方面,鲍威尔承认近期通胀发达堕入停滞,但仍然展望来日通胀会回落。FOMC声明中,联储新增了“最近几个月通胀空匮进一步发达(lack of further progress)”的表述。鲍威尔表示,一季度通胀高于预期,示意昨年年底的金融条目宽松可能是背后的原因。鲍威尔仍然预测本年通胀可能会降温:举例工资增速握续放缓,住房通胀分项将滞后回落。通胀预期方面,鲍威尔表示,近期短期通胀预期有所加快,但中始终通胀预期仍然相对稳固。





  Recent indicators suggest that economic activity has been expandingcontinued to expand at a solid pace. Job gains have remained strong, and the unemployment rate has remained low. Inflation has eased over the past year but remains elevated. In recent months, there has been a lack of further progress toward the Committee‘s 2 percent inflation objective.

  The Committee seeks to achieve maximum employment and inflation at the rate of 2 percent over the longer run. The Committee judges that the risks to achieving its employment and inflation goals are moving intohave moved toward better balance over the past year. The economic outlook is uncertain, and the Committee remains highly attentive to inflation risks.

  In support of its goals, the Committee decided to maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 5-1/4 to 5-1/2 percent. In considering any adjustments to the target range for the federal funds rate, the Committee will carefully assess incoming data, the evolving outlook, and the balance of risks. The Committee does not expect it will be appropriate to reduce the target range until it has gained greater confidence that inflation is moving sustainably toward 2 percent. In addition, the Committee will continue reducing its holdings of Treasury securities and agency debt and agency mortgage backed securities, as described in its previously announced plans.Beginning in June, the Committee will slow the pace of decline of its securities holdings by reducing the monthly redemption cap on Treasury securities from $60 billion to $25 billion. The Committee will maintain the monthly redemption cap on agency debt and agency mortgage backed securities at $35 billion and will reinvest any principal payments in excess of this cap into Treasury securities. The Committee is strongly committed to returning inflation to its 2 percent objective.

  In assessing the appropriate stance of monetary policy, the Committee will continue to monitor the implications of incoming information for the economic outlook. The Committee would be prepared to adjust the stance of monetary policy as appropriate if risks emerge that could impede the attainment of the Committee‘s goals. The Committee’s assessments will take into account a wide range of information, including readings on labor market conditions, inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and financial and international developments.

  Voting for the monetary policy action were Jerome H. Powell, Chair; John C. Williams, Vice Chair; Thomas I. Barkin; Michael S. Barr; Raphael W. Bostic; Michelle W. Bowman; Lisa D. Cook; Mary C. Daly; Philip N. Jefferson; Adriana D. Kugler; Loretta J. Mester; and Christopher J. Waller.

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